English News

completion of the Jordan Financial Expo for Finance and Investment (23rd)

Afaq News – The event of ( JFEX )  Jordan Financial Expo for Finance and Investment (2023) were concluded in the capital, Amman, which was organized by AFAQ Group, Media and Conferences and Exhibitions over two days; Under the auspices of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, and the Minister of Labour, Yousef Al-Shamali, in cooperation with a large number of relevant institutions and in the presence of an elite group of experts and specialists from outside and inside Jordan.

The Expo was held in cooperation with the Central Bank of Jordan and a group of local and Arab economic institutions. The participating institutions include the Arab Federation for e-Commerce, the Association of Banks in Jordan, the Jordanian Economic and Democratic Forum, and the Al-Aman Association for Financial Awareness, in the presence of an elite group of experts and specialists from inside and outside Jordan.

The Expo 2023, organized by AFAQ Group Media, sought to make Jordan a regional and global center for companies licensed to trade in currencies, stocks and metals in global markets and to encourage investment in this field, which contributes to providing local job opportunities.

Dr. Khaldoun Naseer, chairman of  Afaq Group, stated that “in line with the modern technological revolution and in view of the accelerating events around the world and the impact of these events on the various economic sectors, and in line with the visions of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein through launching the vision of economic modernization, Afaq Group decided to organize this important conference to show the importance of technological progress in e-commerce, especially since this trade has become to dominate most of the commercial, industrial, tourism and service sectors, leading us to develop themes and topics of interest to all economic sectors to develop their economic activities through the presence of a group of experts and specialists in this field in the largest financial and economic Expo about e-commerce in Jordan.

Sadiq Saadeh, Operations Manager at Nour Al Mal Company: “We are very happy to participate in the Expo and are proud of such exhibitions being held in Jordan. Every year we see development in the level of organization and attendance, and we support such exhibitions because of their positive effects on the Jordanian economy.

Shadi Salloum, Regional Director of XS Company: “We are not participating in the Expo for the first time, and we are used to participating in such exhibitions, especially those held in Jordan, to raise awareness of financial assets and trading mechanisms. Moreover, the level of attendance was distinctive, and we thank the Afaq Group for this distinctive organization, and this is not new to them.

A free course entitled “How to Become a Trader” was held on the sidelines of the Expo???

To learn about trading strategies in gold, metals, currencies, stocks, commodities and indices, how to manage capital, when to enter the trading market, the basics of fundamental analysis, the market trend before the news, and when and how to stop a loss or take a profit.

At the end of the session, certificates were distributed to the participants.



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